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Home Forums How to make the most of the forum How do I register to post on the forum?

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    Click ‘Join’ and you’ll be taken to a registration form. The details you enter will be e-mailed to us at Galop. We will use your username and e-mail to create you a user profile on the forum. The demographic information will not be stored alongside your e-mail or username, we will just use this to get a picture of who is using the forum. All questions apart from age are optional.  Your e-mail is only visible to us.

    You’ll receive an e-mail confirmation when your user profile is set up. This will include a link to click to set your password and then login for the first time. The e-mail will be titled ‘LGBT+ Forum’ and won’t make any mention of domestic abuse.

    Your first login may look like you’ve not found the page but just refresh the link if this happens.

    If we have any concerns about your registration, we will e-mail you directly from our help@galop.org.uk e-mail address to explain why. For example, if your username might identify you, we might ask you to change it and re-register, or if you’ve registered before and your behaviour on the forum has infringed our Community Guidelines, we may reject your registration.  

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